Air Transportation

Air transport is undoubtedly the fastest way of transportation compared to sea, road or rail transport. Due to its speed, air freight is particularly effective for transporting cargo over long distances. If you are in a hurry to deliver your cargo to another country/region, air freight may be a good option. It is the most reliable and safe.

Ocean Freight

Large ocean-going vessels can transport goods from one country to another. In general, if your order is large or heavy, and you do not require high transportation time, it is recommended that you choose ocean shipping. This is the preferred method for transporting large quantities of cargo.

Rail Transportation

Rail has lower fuel costs compared to road transportation, especially when moving large volumes of freight. Rail also has lower driver-related costs, and the cost of trailer projects is usually lower. Shipping by train is more environmentally friendly. Trains consume less fuel per ton-mile than trucks.

Whole box

This full container method is recommended if your order is close to the standard quantity. Sea freight FCL will be cheaper than LCL. Full containers are packed in one container and remain sealed until they reach their destination (unless intercepted by customs). This means that there is little chance of damage during transportation. This method is best suited for fragile loads.


LCL only requires you to pay for the space you use, and LCL services can even show a reduction over underutilized FCL shipments. By using shipments in transit as "inventory in transit," LCL shipments can even help reduce warehousing and inventory costs, which in turn can help reduce duty charges per shipment.

Door to door service

Door to door sounds great at first, because the goods are delivered where he wants them. But you should describe the shipping method exactly. Unlike DDP or DAP, D2D is not part of Incoterms, the International Chamber of Commerce's (ICC) international trade terms. door-to-door shipping methods do not involve the question of who must pay duties in international shipments.

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